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The Deeper Meaning Behind Today’s Chaos

The Deeper Meaning Behind Today’s Chaos

By Cher Gilmore

To many today, it appears the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and that perception is completely understandable. What is lacking, however, is an awareness of what’s behind the chaos and confusion, so that events can be seen in context. In fact, there are cosmic forces at play that the average person has little knowledge of, and becoming aware of them can dissipate some of the fear and anxiety that now grip so much of the human family. 

One major cause of the extreme polarization presently seen in most countries is the astronomical fact that we are in a transition between two ‘ages’—the Age of Pisces and the incoming Age of Aquarius, which we’ve recently entered. As our solar system travels around the galaxy, our sun comes into alignment with each constellation in turn, and is influenced by the cosmic energies streaming from that constellation until it moves out of range. During the time we are in alignment with a particular constellation, we are said to be in the corresponding ‘age.’

For approximately 2,000 years we have been in alignment with Pisces—or in the Age of Pisces—and our present civilization has developed in response to its energies. Two qualities of Pisces are individuality and devotion to an ideal, but in our expression of these qualities we have tended to cling to our own ideals at the expense of all others. This has created serious divisions in the world—political, economic and religious—and violent confrontations between those holding different points of view. However, the sun has now moved away from the influence of Pisces, and is coming into alignment with the constellation Aquarius. The incoming energies of Aquarius carry the quality of synthesis, and oppose the separative, outgoing energies of Pisces. During the transition between the ages, friction and conflict are almost inevitable; however as the energies of Aquarius become more predominant, greater unity and cooperation will be seen.

Fortunately for humanity, another little known cosmic event is taking place in concert with the shifting planetary cycles. At the beginning of each age, the spiritual custodians of human evolution send one of their great ones into the world to act as a teacher for the coming time. Some of these we have known historically as Confucius, Krishna, Buddha, the Christ, and Mohammed. Major world religions all expect another great teacher at some future time, and his imminent appearance has been foreseen by some writers since the early 1800s. The books of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, first introduced the fact of our spiritual mentors to the western world, and those of Alice A. Bailey predicted the reappearance of a great teacher around the turn of the 21st century. The contemporary books and lectures of British artist and esotericist Benjamin Creme indicate that he is here now—and has been since July, 1977. Creme reveals that the teacher’s personal name is Maitreya, and that he has been working behind the scenes since his arrival to aid and uplift people everywhere, and to help achieve peace and reconciliation among nations. His public emergence will take place when conditions are right and humanity is seen to be most receptive to his message.

One phase of Maitreya’s teaching began in 1988 and continued to 1993. The teachings were given to a close associate of his in the Asian community of London—his ‘point of focus’ in the modern world—and by that associate to two independent journalists. Those predictions relating to future world events were then passed to Mr. Creme for publication in the magazine he edited, Share International, and were also distributed to world media in a series of news releases. They were later published in Mr. Creme’s book, Maitreya’s Teachings: The Laws of Life.

Maitreya made many political predictions of startling accuracy, such as the end of the ‘Cold War;’ the break-up of the Soviet Union; the release of Nelson Mandela and the end of apartheid in South Africa; and the fall from power of Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher. Other, more general predictions about future events continue to manifest even now, because Maitreya understands the Laws of Cause and Effect, and this enables him to foresee the effects of causes we ourselves have set in motion.

We are in a spiritual crisis, Maitreya says, but it is playing out in the political and economic spheres. Therefore, many of his predictions and teachings deal with these two spheres. Of politicians, he had this to say in 1991:

Politicians have double standards. When the leaders themselves have lost the way, what have they to offer? They are like zombies: psychologically, spiritually, mentally finished.

And this, in 1989:

The politicians have been using their power to accrue material wealth and have used the forces of law and order to maintain their position of power. These tactics used to be employed by the kings of old. Now politicians behave like kings in the name of the people. They have used their position to create an elite class of power and wealth while others have been deprived of food, health and education, and left to kill themselves with drugs. 

These descriptions could have been written about the current leaders of several leading democracies, so apt and prescient are they.

Regarding the economy, Maitreya has said:

The present economic systems are crumbling. … It is clear now that pure capitalism has come to an end. It has no future whatsoever. The economy, education, the environment—everything—will be placed within the context of global social democracy in which everyone participates. Communism also is coming to an end.

The essence of market forces is greed and separatism. The more one is attached to these forces, the more they create cells of imprisonment. This leads to spiritual bankruptcy and mental disequilibrium. 

We shall see the taming of market forces which have become the creed of so many politicians. They have deprived people of their health and wealth but the people are awakening now in the name of humanity. The bounty of the nations will be shared among everyone. 

We are certainly seeing evidence of the corrosion of human society begotten by unrestrained capitalism and market forces, in the form of extreme wealth and income inequality; accelerating homelessness everywhere; health care that’s unaffordable for the neediest, and sometimes even the middle class; students saddled with mountainous debt just to get an education; food, water and soil polluted with toxic chemicals from big agricultural, fossil fuel and pharmaceutical corporations; the elimination of safety nets that allow the poor to receive basic services; and on and on, in every department of life.

Many economic experts foresee a major financial collapse in the near future. This has also been predicted by Maitreya, and will result in a shift of government priorities from wealth creation to ensuring the welfare of the people. 

Meanwhile, as people worldwide witness the disintegration of traditional institutions and norms, they are rising up en mass and protesting—especially the young. ‘People power’ is thus another force bringing change, and Maitreya predicted this long before it began:

The young will rebel against the ideologies of old, whether they are imposed on them by politicians, religious leaders or intellectuals. And their demands will have impact. … Young people want to see constitutions that are by the people and for the people. They are tired of the old nepotisms of family, party and ideology. …

People everywhere are becoming aware, and will be unwilling to be dominated by others when their destiny is to be free. Governments everywhere will have to listen to the people. Government will be by the people, for the people. …

Ordinary people, intellectuals, educationalists and others from a variety of walks of life will find they have a genuine voice in government. This will replace control of the masses through ideology. Evolution means evolution towards freedom.

The power of the people is evident throughout the world today. Popular revolt started with the ‘Arab Spring’ and has continued—and grown—in many forms and many countries. For example, the ‘yellow vest’ movement in France was initially motivated by rising fuel prices and a high cost of living. Protesters called for lower fuel taxes, a reintroduction of the solidarity tax on wealth, a minimum-wage increase, and the implementation of citizens' initiative referendums, among other things.

Numerous protests have taken place in the U.S. and Canada—and continue— against the construction of fossil fuel pipelines and the destruction of public lands by drilling and mining. Indigenous communities have been especially active in these, since many of the pipelines are programmed to go through their sacred lands without their permission. In the U.S., frequent protests around the country call for gun control; women’s rights; tolerance for all people regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, or any other superficial quality; economic and social justice; and environmental restoration and protection. 

Massive and long-lasting protests in Hong Kong continue over the government’s apparent plan to take away some of Hong Kong’s independence from mainland China and curtail the people’s freedom. In Lebanon protests have been against a tax on WhatsApp and endemic corruption; in Chile, a hike in the metro fare and rampant inequality. Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela have all seen popular uprisings. Even in the Middle East, continuing dissent has been labeled a second ‘Arab Spring.’

But probably the largest and most widespread protests are the worldwide actions designed to force governments to address our climate emergency. The face of these protests is, unsurprisingly, a young person—Greta Thunberg, the 17-year-old Swedish schoolgirl who went from sitting outside the Swedish parliament alone with her ‘School Strike’ sign, to speaking to world leaders at the World Economic Forum and being named Time magazine’s Person of the Year. 

The environment is one of Maitreya’s major concerns as well, and closely related to that is one of his most basic teachings: the fact of Oneness—that we are all part of one human family, that everything is energy, and everything is interconnected. Every aspect of nature is like a cell in the energetic body of the planet, and because of this Oneness, the kingdoms of nature—mineral, plant, animal, human, and spiritual—are in constant communication. This takes place at non-physical levels, through the etheric counterparts of every dense physical form. For the lower kingdoms, it is with devas, who provide the ‘blueprints’ for specific plant, animal, insect, etc., varieties, and nature spirits, who oversee individual life forms. We humans communicate telepathically and emotionally through our etheric or energy bodies.   

Because devas respond to energies, our thoughts and intentions affect them positively or negatively. When our thoughts and actions are hateful and divisive, the devas become disturbed. For example, the wind and fire devas, when disturbed, may create powerful winds and amplify wildfires. 

Today, the reality of communication among humans, plants, animals and other natural elements is not widely known, and the concept of Oneness has not yet reached critical mass. However, through these teachings, we can understand how our chaotic, hateful, or warlike thoughts and actions have real world consequences. 

For example, Maitreya explained massive explosions in certain parts of the world this way:

We do not understand, as yet, the results on the physical plane of our own destructive thoughts. The collective destructive thoughts of many (such as those generated during wars) actually become massive, energized thought-formations. These are causes. The explosions are the inevitable effects.

Maitreya is not a prophet of doom. Rather, man must take responsibility for his own thoughts, words and deeds. Thus he grows spiritually.

Together, the Laws of Cause and Effect and the fact of Oneness teach us to become harmless and to live in harmony with the whole of creation. It’s up to us to create the world we want, but let’s not forget that we have Maitreya’s help, Aquarian energies pushing us toward cooperation and brotherhood, and the unstoppable rise of people power.     

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