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Out of the ashes …

Out of the ashes …

Image: Chokchai Poomichaiya |

by Lynne Girdlestone

Judging by today’s headlines you would not be wrong in thinking our entire civilization is collapsing. Every aspect of life on this planet appears to be in some form of destructive chaos — what is now being called a “polycrisis.” Why? What can we do?

On a day-to-day basis, it’s hard to see that incrementally, over time, the forces of power and greed throughout the world have infiltrated and taken over every aspect of our global society and made life unsustainable for all but a few. All that has contributed to this dangerous imbalance must be swept away before a “new world” can be born. Biblically you might think of Jesus’ parable “…new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved.” You may even think of instances in your own life where everything seemed to be falling apart, but suddenly new and better things began to take their place.

Unless you believe that it was the Creator’s intention for this world to come to an inglorious end around this time, you have to consider that the destruction that is so outwardly visible is actually clearing the decks (making “new bottles”) for a world that works for everyone and everything in it.

By comparison to the 24/7 coverage of death, destruction, corruption, and environmental crises, the media gives scant attention to the magnitude of positive change that is actually happening to build this better world. If you look carefully, you can see it in the mass demonstrations taking place in every country demanding justice on many fronts. Millions are working selflessly to aid the poor and hungry and to create new structures to eliminate this scourge forever. Brilliant (largely unknown) minds are solving a myriad of problems. All of this suggests that the heart of humanity is sound and able to meet this mega challenge. To this we wish to add that extraordinary, incorruptible help is at hand and ever ready to point us in the right direction and guide our steps.

At this very time, a little-known cosmic event is also taking place. As we move into the Aquarian age, characterized by energies of synthesis, unity and cooperation, the spiritual custodians of human evolution — the Masters of Wisdom — have once again sent one of their great ones into the world to act as a teacher for the coming time. Some of the past teachers we have known historically as Confucius, Krishna, Buddha, the Christ and Mohammed. Major world religions all expect another great teacher at some future time, and his imminent appearance has been foreseen by some writers since the late 1800s.

For more than 40 years, British esotericist and lecturer Benjamin Creme informed the world of a coming change — the collapse of our old structures to make way for the new. He served as a herald for the World Teacher for this age, Maitreya — the one expected by many and longed for by millions (consciously or not), who has come now to guide us through this perilous time and into a cleansed and transformed new world.

Maitreya has advised humanity to make the needed changes to put our world on a saner, fairer path:

“He [Maitreya] will show that essen­tially men are one, no matter the colour or the creed, that the bounty of Earth belongs to all, and that sharing of that bounty is the key to man’s future. Only sharing, and the justice which it will bring, offers hope to man. Only justice wrought out of sharing will end the plagues of war and terror. Only sharing and justice can bring men to that Brotherhood which is their true inheritance. When men see this, they will rise to the challenge and tackle one by one the many problems which daunt us now.” — Benjamin Creme’s Master, from “Transformation,” Share International magazine. (All references to “man” refer equally to woman.)

Maitreya and his group have worked behind the scenes for millennia to guide our human family. Now, with these powerful, incorruptible allies openly in the world for the next 2,000 years and beyond, we have the opportunity to build a new world that works for everyone. Will we take it?

If you can look beyond the headlines, you would have to say “yes.” Know that we’re not alone, the work is well under way, and it needs the support of every person of goodwill on the planet.

“Those among you who wish to serve the world have placed before them now the opportunity of all lives. May you seize it, use it to the full and create for yourselves and your brothers a new life.” — Maitreya, the World Teacher

Lynne Girdlestone is a writer who has long worked with Share International.

More information about the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom into the everyday world can be found at For a free monthly e-newsletter see

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